This site “Kusayane Diary” has been managed with self-satisfaction as “a site that no one sees”! However, we have now opened it to the public!
I think that the label “a site that no one sees” will probably remain for the time being, but from now on we plan to disseminate information about Kusayane(=grass roof) as an affiliate site.
For the public release, I would like to introduce some characters that will appear occasionally in the future.
I am the administrator of this site “Kusayane Diary”. We will send out various information about grass roofs♪
I’m a curious Hagoromo Budge named Hagoyan. I’m going to have a good time!
I am a friendly and sensitive cockatiel called “Okamy.” and a bit of a fearful girl.
Let’s start with these three!

The top photo was taken at Lake Shinji in February 2020. When opening this site to the public, I chose this photo to cherish the articles I have written so far and connect them with the articles I will publish in the future.