I got flowers, because this month is my birth month.
It’s Petit Dahlia Humming Bronze. There are 3 types of colors, the red called “Brookfield delight”, the yellow called “Silentia”, the pink called “purplea”. I got 5 stocks, 3 colors.
Planted one by one.
Planted together with Hardenbergia and margaret.
Planted in the ground .
Add bunny tail (right side), Salvia farinacea(left side). Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’ are glowing.
From my favorite shopI got a “Mini rose” for my birth month, too .
Mini rose
Add Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ in the pot of group planting – Eremophila nivea and Lysimachia nummularia
Planted Verbena (blue and salmon) on the berm.
Pruning Japanese maple.
Under the Japanese maple, Gazania – “Canary smile” is full of energy.
Panolamic view. Creeping thyme and Super Alyssum, their flowering season is about to end, so thin out their.